<%@ Page Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="jordan.aspx.vb" Inherits="personalwebsite.jordan"%> jordan


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الملك الوطن
Jordan Flag

The hashemite kingdom of Jordan

an Arabian country that offered and continue offers what ever he can do for other Arab people. 

One of the middle east countries, and one of the developing countries in the third world, and according to King Abdullah instructions, it was from the first countries that uses technology very widely in all levels, seek after promotes employees, school students, and the local community people capabilities using computers. 

This achieve is one of many, but it's the most recent nowadays, Therefore I am talking about it.

what can I say to describe JORDAN, My Lovely Country, may be some people say something different, but I think that where ever I go I will still homesick for JORDAN and I am sure NO intact person disagree with me!! however, every one feels like me due his or her home.

Designed By: Hussam Dwairi.
Email: hmdwairi@yahoo.com
Last Update: 15/1/2005